
Tim Yeates

Tim Yeates

Co-Founder and CEO
Carbon 1

Tim’s international career includes a broad range of senior roles in re/insurance and risk management with leading global organisations and SMEs.  

His passions for knowledge exchange, collaboration and innovation have led him to fields such as multinational corporate programmes, catastrophe insurance, captive management, market intelligence, strategic risk financing and training. His current focus is on climate change, data analytics and the new economy.  

He advocates far greater emphasis on risk prevention and education to allow insurance to play a central role in mitigating the major protection gaps caused by today’s complex risks.   

Wide experience as a broker, consultant and executive convinces him that the industry is at a turning point where people networks allied with smart technologies and data represent phenomenal opportunities for the future.  

[Tim is a founding board member of the UK IICF (Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation - iicf.org.uk) and active in the IIS (International Insurance Society) and IDF (Insurance Development Forum).]